Tuesday 28 February 2012

Steve Jobs Great Work In His Lifetime

Today life has become very easy due to computing world. Today We cannot think of our life without computers, just think a life on earth without computers today, today human reached moon and that credit goes to computers. Even our military forces, Air forces, Railways, Medical services that all Credit goes to computers. 

Without computers It would be very difficult for every fields of services. And that all great work done by Steve Jobs. Steve Jobs really done good hard work through his life carrier. During his last moment of his life he had really completed dream that he has though of in fifty years back of our history. 

He had seen a dream that one day computer's will be in our pocket.Many times people just laugh at his dreams, but Jobs was the man who has never lost his hopes and last he had turned his dream real. Thank you! jobs you had really done a good job. Jobs deserve that standings. Jobs will be remembered in future for his great work in books of children as well as media.
Again thank you Jobs!

So If Jobs can do his hard work in making his dream real, than why we see dreams and doing the lot of hard work and potential. Although we have seen in past dreams are becoming real. So it is not bad to see dreams because dreams with help our future in two the next level.
We can't forget the dream about flying into the sky that was turned into real by 
wright Brother's. Not only flying, but we have seen many dreams which became real.


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